How do I see time q opened and closed an app on Android phone?


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My Instagram showed my visa last at 3:00 a.m., but my last access was at 1:00 a.m., in Google I see this access at 1:00 a.m., but there only shows the time q opens the app, n até q horas stayed in it. Follow the Google image. I even found an app to give me this information, but only from the day I downloaded the app, and the date of the information I want is 30/12/2018. It’s important, help me please!

  • Guys, I’m not in tech, I don’t understand anything. I’m just really desperate. :(

  • 2

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1 answer


Even so is nevertheless a technical matter.

Has some possibilities:

  • Time zone: google may be taking into account or its own server, or the Instagram server.

  • Autonomous activity: Your phone even in idle mode, can connect from time to time to check notifications.

  • Saved Sessions: You logged in to other devices, you may have left logged in. Then yes, other people would be using.

    I suggest you take a test: Enter a specific time (ie: 15:00) at your local time, and check if Google’s activity control marked this.

    You can look at Details of each history item, to learn more.

    Obs.: In a mobile phone the information is summarized, use a computer:


  • Hi, Luiz. Thank you so much for trying to help me. When I go into detail, Google doesn’t give out this information (only what hours I’ve gone over again, not until what hours I keep using that’s what I needed), in fact there’s nothing else there. Does Android have some hidden command with these details?

  • And by the use of battery? Ever tried to see? I believe mark so long use

  • As well by the use of battery?

  • I looked, but I couldn’t find a way to see by the use of the battery.

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