I am using ffmpeg to convert all videos from one folder to . mp4, and for that I have created one . bat to make the process, but, the problem that is next:
When it starts the conversion, it creates with same mone a file in format and extension . mp4.
It occurs, that if by chance the process is interrupted, it would remove the . mp4 file not yet finalized by conversion.
My . bat runs by the task scheduler, so for the next run, as the . bat was stopped, mine . bat interrupts execution by requesting my interaction on to confine the previously unfinished.mp4 file overwriting
I would like it to just create the other.MP4 file when the conversion process finishes uninterrupted, someone can help me with this script?
Follow the ultimalized code:
for /r %%F in (*.avi *.rmvb *.flv *.mov *.avi *.ts) do (
ffmpeg.exe -i "%%F" -preset ultrafast "%%~dpnF.mp4"
if not errorlevel 1 if exist "%%~dpnF.mp4" del /q "%%F"
For a more "verbose" output, remove the
-v error -stats -vn
.– It Wasn't Me