How to open instagram using iframe?


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I’m trying to open my instagram profile using an iframe, to put my insta on my site, but so far I could not, stop that instagram has a kind of lock.

 <iframe id="frame" src="" frameborder="0" width="320" height="568"></iframe> 

I know that there are some websites that open the instagram profile, and that I could use them, as for example.

<iframe id="frame" src="" frameborder="0" width="320" height="568"></iframe>

The problem is that most of these sites have ads, and those who do not have ads always have some kind of menu, that is not so responsive, or and very different from instagram, which ends up leaving things a little weird.

Some way around it and open the instragram, directly.

1 answer


You can’t open Instagram that way because it doesn’t allow external websites to frame their website. The only way to put instagram in a frame is to be a Post, for example and must always have the suffix /embed as for example is here:

<iframe id="frame" width="320" height="568" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  • The link you posted is broken

  • Already corrected, thank you

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