I’m migrating from the Asp.net Webforms to the Core 2.2 and in the application, we stored information such as Id, and other parameters. In Asp.Net Core I use Seguinte Iactionresult to record the cookie:
public IActionResult GravaCookie(string setting, string settingValue, bool isPersistent)
if (isPersistent)
CookieOptions options = new CookieOptions();
options.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
Response.Cookies.Append(setting, settingValue, options);
Response.Cookies.Append(setting, settingValue);
ViewBag.Message = "Cookie Armazenado!!!";
return View("Index");
To retrieve it I use the following code:
ViewBag.FontName = Request.Cookies["fontName"];
Through Webforms I checked with the following code:
if (Request.Cookies["EstaAtivo"].Value != null)
How I do the same check by Asp.Net Core?
Interesting, the second way works, the first one has had no effect. Apparently you need to declare the cookie as a string to see if it actually exists!
– Claudinei Ferreira
Both ways work @Claudineiferreira ...
– novic