Error loading dplyr package to R studio


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I’m having trouble loading the dplyr package, when I insert library (dplyr) for this message: Attaching package: ?dplyr'

The following Objects are Masked from ːpackage:Stats':

filter, lag

The following Objects are Masked from ?package:base':

intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Warning message: package ːdplyr' was built under R version 3.4.4

how do I solve this problem so that I can join the two databases.

1 answer


They’re not error messages, they’re just alerts. dplyr is warning that it has commands with these names, and that there are commands with the same names in the "Stats" and "base" packages".

For example, to use "base" lag (not dplyr), use package::command, like this:


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