Optimization/correction in "Dbcontext.Savechanges()"


Viewed 49 times


having regard to the following scenario::

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    var allObjects = new List<MyObject>();
    var objects = myStaticClass.GetAllObjects();

    foreach (var myObject in allObjects)



In the loop I have about 250.000 records to be processed, that is, those so many to be added to a DbSet to be stored in the database at once through the SaveChanges() of DbContext.

The problem here is the amount of objects to be added to DbSet, that at a certain point causes a System.OutOfMemoryException (hits close to 2Gb of occupied memory), this because the architecture of the process is x86, something I cannot change.

What I need, even urgently, is a solution to this case, that is, I need to store the 250.000 records but I have to avoid the System.OutOfMemoryException to let the process end.

2 answers


Excuse me you were right there was a simpler solution and it did not involve used memory count:

foreach (var myObject in allObjects)


     } catch (OutOfMemoryException){
        // Se der erro por falta de memória:
        // Salve as alterações já feita
        // Força uma coleta de lixo imediata de todas as gerações.
        // Refaz a última operação.
     } catch (Exception){
       // tratamento para outros tipos de exceção
  • Hi @Augusto. That sounds much more viable and code friendly. Thank you. Could you at least withdraw the negative vote from my question?

  • Edit so I can remove.


I managed to solve the problem with a more "raw" solution, where I basically do the INSERT directly in the database without going through EPH:

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    var allObjects = myStaticClass.GetAllObjects();

    int count = allObjects.Count;
    bool split = count > 100;

    for (int i = 0; i < allObjects.Count; i++)
        MyObject myObject = allObjects[i];

        sb.AppendLine("INSERT INTO MyObjects(Id, Column1, Column2, Column3)");
        sb.AppendLine($"VALUES('{myObject.Id}', '{myObject.Column1}', '{myObject.Column2}', '{myObject.Column3}')");

        if ((split && i > 0 && (i % 100) == 0) || (i + 1) == count)
            sb = new StringBuilder();

    if (sb.Length > 0)
        sb = null;


I came to the conclusion that the real problem was EPH, that in addition to increasing memory consumption also impaired performance almost gradually.

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