How to extract a text from a page?


Viewed 1,313 times


I am creating a web scraping program and would like to know if there is any way to extract the text from a site in this way:

This is the html:

<div class="s-sidebarwidget s-sidebarwidget__yellow s-anchors s-anchors__default sidebar-help" id="how-to-format" style="">

    <h4 class="s-sidebarwidget--header mb0">
        Como formatar
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            <span class="dingus">►</span> create code fences with backticks ` or tildes ~
            </p><div class="bg-black-050 p8 bar-sm ff-mono my4 wmx2">
                like so<br>
            <span class="dingus">►</span> add language identifier to highlight code
            </p><div class="bg-black-050 p8 bar-sm ff-mono my4 wmx2">
                <span class="fc-blue-600">def</span> function(foo):<br>
                <span class="fc-blue-600">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;print</span>(foo)<br>
        <p><span class="dingus">►</span> coloque retornos entre os parágrafos</p>
        <p><span class="dingus">►</span> para quebra de linha adicione 2 espaços no final</p>
        <p><span class="dingus">►</span> <i>_itálico_</i> ou <b>**negrito**</b></p>
            <p><span class="dingus">►</span> recue o código em 4 espaços</p>
    <p><span class="dingus">►</span> escapes de acentos graves <code>`parecido _portanto_`</code></p>

        <p><span class="dingus">►</span> destaque colocando &gt; no início da linha</p>
        <p><span class="dingus">►</span> para fazer links</p>
        <p>&lt;;<br>[foo](<br>&lt;a href=""&gt;foo&lt;/a&gt;</p>

        <p class="ar">
            <a href="/editing-help" target="_edithelp">ajuda na formatação »</a><br>
                        <a href="/questions/how-to-ask">ajuda para perguntas »</a>



That’s what I see (what I want to extract):

     Como formatar

► create code fences with backticks ` or tildes ~
like so

► add language identifier to highlight code
def function(foo):

► coloque retornos entre os parágrafos

► para quebra de linha adicione 2 espaços no final

► _itálico_ ou **negrito**

► recue o código em 4 espaços

► escapes de acentos graves `parecido _portanto_`

► destaque colocando > no início da linha

► para fazer links

<a href="">foo</a>

Basically, I would like to extract the text from a site as if I had pressed Ctrl + a, Ctrl + c.

I tried to do it that way, but it didn’t come out as expected: BeautifulSoup(req, 'html.parser').get_text

Is there any way to turn html into "text"?

  • There are a few ways to do this yes. You can use Regex or CGI the latter being the best one to handle HTML/web pages.

  • 1

    Is your question too vague about how far you’ve gone? But if you are starting from scratch you will need to simulate a request with some http request, to parse the content you could for example use beautifulsoup, but there are a thousand ways, as I said before, your question is very vague

  • I’ve tried using bs4 and requests, but I still can’t turn html into text (like my example)

  • Edit your question, and put your Python code, so we can show you where the problem is, and help you

2 answers


I figured out a way to do this using the module html2text

import requests
import html2text
req = requests.get('').text
  • Still to explain how to install the module, because its response may be useful to future visitors


Assuming you are using bs4 you could use the method yourself getText (

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup("<ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li><li>baz</li>", 'html.parser')


The \n will be the delimiter between the removed tags

Or use the .strings ( to pick up a vector:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup("<ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li><li>baz</li>", 'html.parser')

for string in soup.strings:

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