How to pass a URL in the Parameter of an API


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How to pass a URL to an API

public class HTTPController : ControllerBase
    public JsonResult GETURL(string URL)

However when passing for example this does not interpret as parameter

I tried to pass so "" but it does not work in the same

  • How are you doing?

  • http://localhost/HTTP/GETURL/URL=

  • 1

    Forgot to ask controller? Guy put more information ...

  • is called http I’ve updated the code

  • tried so but no localhost/HTTP/GETURL/

1 answer


The route generated by your code will be:


Pass the parameter does not work because it is not possible to pass parameters with / route, if you want to do this, you have to find the parameter somehow.

Anyway recommend to pass it via query string. Your code would look like this:

public JsonResult GETURL([FromQuery] string URL)

Generated route:

  • I encoded so but it didn’t work

  • I tested here and it worked normal encondo. Stay tuned to the route of your action to see if you’re hitting it right. In my answer I set the route your code generates.

  • I used Base64 Encode and functiounou cetinho

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