I am writing a python code (3.7) using the Tkinter library, I am also using Spyder IDE (py-3) | Anaconda (3) to write the code. When I run it, the IDE only shows the [in] (runfile) in the ipython console but does not open any windows. I’ve debugged all the code and no problems appeared, and I’ve also changed the settings of the graphics to Tkinter output and it still doesn’t work. How to solve?
from tkinter import *
def tela_login():
global janela_login
janela_login = Tk()
lb1 = Label(janela_login, text = "Login:", fg = "white", bg = "black", font = "Arial 20")
lb2 = Label(janela_login, text = "Senha:", fg = "white", bg = "black", font = "Arial 20")
lb3 = Label(janela_login, text = "Não possui cadastro?", fg = "white", bg = "black", font = "Arial 16")
global ed1_login
global ed2_senha
ed1_login = Entry(janela_login)
ed2_senha = Entry(janela_login, show = "*")
bt1 = Button(janela_login, text = "Entrar", fg = "white", bg = "black")
bt2 = Button(janela_login, text = "Cadastrar", fg = "white", bg = "black")
lb1.place(x = 10, y = 50)
lb2.place(x = 10, y = 100)
lb3.place(x = 0, y = 190)
ed1_login.place(x = 100, y = 57)
ed2_senha.place(x = 100, y = 107)
bt1.place(x = 20, y = 150)
bt2.place(x = 0, y = 225)