while (Cin >> str) An equivalent code in Python


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Need to read multiple items without a fixed amount, in c++ just do while (Cin >> str) what would be an equivalent python code? has an answer in English to this same question here in the stack, but the answer is incorrect.

an example in c++:

int main() {

string str;
while (cin >> str) {

return 0;


  • 1

    Axei the vague question, could put an example in c++, to make the analogy with python,

  • friend edited the question.

1 answer


In Python, the default entry is visible as an open text file in the object sys.stdin

If the file was redirected from another, the end of file will be detected on sys.stdin - without redirecting, as in the C++ example, the program is forever waiting for new lines.

Thus, a common file method such as readlines() can automatically read all lines of standard input. What it doesn’t do is convert the read content to some type - Python, with all the expressiveness it has, doesn’t have many "magic" in the syntax - you can use a list comprehension or the function map to convert all read lines to integer.

For example:

import sys

dados = map(int, sys.stdin)

Ready - just this - the map asks for an iterable object in the second argument - a text file, when iterated, emits (yields) one line at a time. That line is passed to the flame int, that despises white-space characters - including the newline that comes in the line vinal. In short: dados becomes a generating object that can be used in a for, or may be transformed into a list of dados = list(dados) .

The syntax with list comprehension is:

import sys

dados = [int(linha) for linha in sys.stdin]
  • could you adapt to String please? I’m working with them.

  • For string you don’t need to transform the value - just do dados=list(sys.stdin), or dados = sys.stdin.readlines() . Only if you want to remove end-of-line characters - \n, that needs to be dados = [linha.strip() for linha in sys.stdin()]

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