Count number of cells in a chained list


Viewed 716 times


I made the following code to count the number of cells in a chained list. But it is giving segmentation failure (use Linux). I wish someone would help me.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct registro celula;
struct registro
    int x;
    celula *prox;

void insere(int n, celula *p);
void contaRecursiva(celula *p);

int main()
    int n1;
    celula atual;
    int tecla = 10;
    celula *pointer;

    pointer = &atual;

    while(tecla != 0)
        printf("====== MENU ======\n");
        printf("1 - para inserir um número\n");
        printf("2 - para ver a quantidade de elementos\n\n");
        scanf("%d", &tecla);

        if(tecla == 1)
            printf("Digite um numero\n");
            scanf("%d", &n1);
            insere(n1, &atual);
        else if(tecla == 2)

void insere(int n, celula *p)
    celula *nova;
    nova = (celula *) malloc(sizeof(celula));
    nova->x = n;
    nova->prox = p->prox;
    p->prox = nova;

void contaRecursiva(celula *p)
    int numCel;
   if(p != NULL)
   printf("%d celulas", numCel);

2 answers


Segmentation failure occurs because you did not initialize the "current.Prox" field when you declared the "current" variable".

int main()
  int n1;
  celula atual;
  int tecla = 10;
  celula *pointer;

  atual.prox = NULL; // <------------------- faltou
  pointer = &atual;

Note that this solves the problem of segmentation failure, I did not analyze the logic of your program.


Solve the segmentation fault problem. I have a simpler problem. I have to create a recursive function that counts the number of cells.

contaRecursiva(celula *p, int cont2)

{ int cont = cont2; cellula *aux = p; if(aux != NULL) {
accountRecursive(aux->Prox, cont2++); } printf("%d cellulae", cont); }

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