In SEO using more than one link in HTML to another page is bad?


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It’s bad SEO practice to use more than one tag a in an HTML structure to another HTML page href the same link?


    <a href='link1.html'><img src='path/img.jpg'/>
    <h2><a href='link1.html'>TITULO DO LINK AQUI</a></h2>
    <a href='link1.html'>Descrição sobre o link vem aqui, lorem ipsum....</a>

1 answer


Apparently you can use as many repeated links as you want pointing to the same destination. Google is not clear, and never has been, with its Pagerank rules. Even they keep changing these rules, so the only way to be sure is by doing tests and monitoring the results.

Most likely, however, Google separates all links from the document and samples them. Apparently he can ignore the repeated links, considering only the first. In the case of different anchors, but pointing to the same URL, it may be that it considers the link 2x, but it is not possible to state this...

... "if you have two links to the same page of a specific page, but the anchor text on the first page is different from the previous one, Google in 2009 would have used the anchor text of the first link."

Here are two articles that will help you understand better

  • 1

    Thanks for the clarification and the references.

  • @Eliseub. Everything about google methods are a bit obscure, but this kind of thing does not usually get punished so far as I know, then study about nofolow may interest you if you really want google to ignore some link, yet nothing guarantees it...

  • 1

    thanks, always use ref to, I will keep the links and see how will the bounce rate.

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