Angular 7 - Creating a Stepper/Wizard


Viewed 1,130 times


I’m doing a sign-up page, which is working. I wanted to change her to a Stepper/Wizard, but I’m using Angular 7 with Bootstrap 4.

Has anyone ever done one or has an angle example?

2 answers


I found a library called Bs-Stepper, which uses Bootstrap 4.

I installed it in the project as it says in the documentation: Bs-Stepper installation

There is a functional example in this link: Bs-Stepper example

Some details I needed to make to work was:

1- import the import Stepper from 'Bs-Stepper'; only in the Component that will use Stepper, IN IT ONLY!

2-Include the css and js files in angular.json

            "styles": [
            "scripts": [

Or import the css into the file Styles.css of the project:

@import "~bs-stepper/dist/css/bs-stepper.css";


The angular material has a very cool Stepper, see:

Just install the necessary packages:

npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk @angular/animations

Import in the app.module:

import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

  imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule],

And then import the Stepper component into your module, as the documentation shows:

import {MatStepperModule} from '@angular/material/stepper';

Example in Stackblitz

  • In Material I found in Google, but needs to be in bootstrap 4.

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