Where am I going wrong to calculate age?


Viewed 118 times


function idadeAluno($dataNasci){
    $nasci = new dateTime($this->dataNasci);
    $agora = new dateTime();
    $idade = $this->nasci - $this->agora;
    echo 'idade aluno:'.$this->idade.'<br/>';
  • You can not reproduce the error, because there are a number of problems in the post (for example, where $this comes from?) Important to post a [mcve] that presents the problem occurred.

3 answers


To calculate the difference between two DateTime's, just use the method diff:

$date1 = new DateTime("2000-01-20");
$date2 = new DateTime("2019-04-23");
$interval = $date1->diff($date2);
echo "diferença " . $interval->y . " anos, " . $interval->m." meses, ".$interval->d." dias"; 

The result is a DateInterval, which has the values of the difference properly "broken" in years, months and days. In this case the output is:

difference 19 years, 3 months, 3 days

If you only want the amount of years, no matter the months or days, just take the value of $interval->y.

Just remembering that the amount of years is always rounded down:

$date1 = new DateTime("2018-01-20"); // 20/jan/2018
$date2 = new DateTime("2019-01-19"); // 19/jan/2019
$interval = $date1->diff($date2);
echo "diferença " . $interval->y;

In the above example, the value of $interval->y is zero. Even if it takes one day to complete a year, and technically the age is 0.999... years, the value is rounded down and the result is zero. Only January 20, 2019 will complete 1 year.

There are some edge cases to consider. For example, if someone was born on February 29, 2000, on February 28, 2001 that person will already have 1 year?

$date1 = new DateTime("2000-02-29");
$date2 = new DateTime("2001-02-28");
$interval = $date1->diff($date2);
echo "diferença " . $interval->y . " anos, " . $interval->m." meses, ".$interval->d." dias"; 

PHP understands that it does not:

difference 0 years, 11 months, 30 days

In "real life", I really don’t know what the rule should be (some Apis in other languages consider that in the above case the difference is 1 year, for example), so it’s up to you to analyze these special cases and decide what the result should be.

  • Works perfectly with tiny d -> https://ideone.com/AV3Bin

  • @Bacco Dessa I didn’t know. It’s "by design"?

  • 2

    PHP things :D - Almost everything is insensitive to PHP case, but as it is PHP, "depends on the context" kkkkk - Qq way, the question has a lot of problems that can cause the most various errors, besides the lack of diff


Learn about diff here. This is useful to represent the difference between the two dates.

Your code would look like this:

  function idadeAluno($dataNasci)
    $nasci = new DateTime($dataNasci);
    $agora = new DateTime();
    $idade = $nasci->diff($agora);

    return "idade aluno: ".$idade->y. "<br/>"; 

    echo idadeAluno("2007-03-24");


Hitching a ride on @hkotsubo’s reply, DateTime is misspelled, plus a few syntax errors, for example when using $this->dataNasci to refer to the parameter it is sufficient $dataNasci as it is a parameter and not a property.

Here is corrected code:

class CalculaData{
    function idadeAluno($dataNasci)
        $nasci = new DateTime($dataNasci);
        $agora = new DateTime("now");

        $idade = $nasci->diff($agora);
         echo "idade aluno: " . $idade->y . " anos, " . $idade->m." meses, ".$idade->d." dias";

$calculaData = new CalculaData();


Whose return is :

idade aluno: 83 anos, 10 meses, 13 dias   
  • 1

    thanks for showing the errors, it’s tip worked .

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