scapy installation without needing graphical interface or file . exe


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Friends sweats, I’m having a little problem, I’m creating a python script with scapy and npcap (which is required for scapy to work) to run in windows. However, I managed to do the installation through a scapy executable and a npacp executable downloaded directly from the official website. I wanted to mount a python script to run in windows without having to open graphical installation interface of scapy and npcap. For example, on Linux I would need to just copy the scapy library to the folder, without the need to open a graphical installation interface. Is there any way I can install scapy and npcap in some folder and just copy the files inside? For example, if I want to run the script on another windows that already has Python 2.7 installed, just copy the scapy and npcap files?

  • As it is in the answer - the best way to install Python packages is by Pip, on the command line - exactly "no graphical interface or . exe". However, you should not base your project on Python 2 - but rather, use Python 3.7 (it is perfectly possible to install both side by side on the same computer) - Python 2 is at the end of life, and it is unlikely that third-party projects will continue to be upgraded to work with it.

1 answer


You can install the scapy using the pip in the prompt windows. Just write

pip install scapy

If there is any dependency required for the functioning of the package, the pip will take care of installing it for you.

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