Compare two dates and times and check if one is larger than the other typescript


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I created a function that receives an account, I need to check if a property conta.venc_token is longer than today’s date, if it is, return true(because it is an invalid token), otherwise return false.

I tried that way:

    var data = conta.venc_token
    console.log(new Date())
    if(data > new Date()){
      console.log("entrou no if")
      return true
      console.log("entrou no false")
      return false

But the format that returns from my backend is very different from the format that javascript generates the current date.

Us console.log I have:

Format of my backend:

10/04/2019 18:27:38

Format that javascript generates:

Wed Apr 10 2019 14:28:55 GMT-0300 (Horário Padrão de Brasília)

I would like to know a way to compare. This way I found can correctly compare dates and times? By the tests I’ve done always returns in else (false).

  • If console.log(data); prints 10/04/2019 18:27:38, is probably a string (which you should convert to Date) - check out typeof(data) just to be sure. Because when printing a Date, it is always shown in this format "Wed Apr 10 etc...". Another detail is to know if 18:27 is in the same time zone as the frontend, otherwise there is no way to make the conversion reliably.

  • Yeah, it’s kind of string

2 answers


The most practical way I know to convert text to date is by referencing Moment js.

moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:m:s'); 

moment("20111031", "YYYYMMDD").fromNow();

moment("20120620", "YYYYMMDD").fromNow();




I got it that way:


    var partesData = conta.venc_token.split("/")
    partesData[1] = partesData[1] - 1;
    partesData[2] = partesData[2].substring(0,4)
    partesData[3] = partesData[3].split(":")
    let dataMontada = new Date(partesData[2], partesData[1], partesData[0], partesData[3][0], partesData[3][1], partesData[3][2])

    if(dataMontada < new Date()){
      return true
      return false


It’s not very attractive, but it was the easy way I managed without using frameworks

  • 1

    Don’t forget that in Javascript months are indexed to zero (January is zero, February is 1, etc), so you have to subtract 1 of the month before going to the constructor Date :-)

  • 1

    thanks for the comment, I will do here

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