Problems with xml to transform into data.frame in R


Viewed 133 times


Good night

I need an xml collaboration, I have little knowledge for R in this

I have the following xml structure

To help me, please copy to a txt and save in xml format to use

 <idinternoativo>227549    </idinternoativo>

When saving it, I import the data

dados<-xmlParse(file = choose.files())

And I try to turn it into data.frame, but the result is not as expected


I would like to result in a data frame, where each line would be respective to each xml item, but the result is that all together , becoming impossible to separate

thank you in advance

1 answer


It is very rare for you to find an XML that is already in the right structure to turn it into a data.frame. Ideally you turn the file into a list and then extract from the list what you need. Assuming your XML file is called arquivo.XML then the following code will read XML and turn it into a list:

xml_arquivo <- xmlParse(file = 'arquivo.XML')
xml_lista <- xmlToList(xml_arquivo)

resulting in the following list:


[1] "210100"


[1] "20080509"

[1] "20110614"

[1] "20140907"

[1] "0"

[1] "114"

[1] "5"

[1] "4722.758614"

[1] "1"

[1] "5481.16800311"

[1] "1000"

[1] "538394.48"

[1] "0"

[1] "0"

[1] "624853.15"

[1] "0"

[1] "SEL"

[1] "100"

[1] "N"

[1] "0"

[1] "C"

[1] "227549    "


and ready! Say you want to access the expiration date of the title. Just do this:

[1] "20140907"

With the function as.Date() you even get a much better result

as.Date(xml_lista$fundo$titpublico$dtvencimento, format = "%Y%m%d")
[1] "2014-09-07"

Finally you can turn the list into a data.frame if you want to:

dados =$fundo$titpublico))
  • thanks , helped a lot , I will try to give scale to the complete file

  • @Henrique Faria de Oliveira, I have a problem similar to yours, but I’m not getting an answer.

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