Before opening this question, I researched to see if there was any similar open, but I could not resolve my doubt. If there is one and you can provide me the link, thank you.
I don’t know much yet, I’m learning. At the moment, I am studying 'Browser Object Models' and a course I am doing and I have the following question:
What is the difference between this assignment/declaration:
function abrirPopUp() {
janela = window.open('http://google.com', 'nova_janela', 'width=200, height=100');
And this one down here?
function abrirPopUp() {
var janela = window.open('http://google.com', 'nova_janela', 'width=200, height=100');
In the first form, everything happens as it should. In the second, however, I have no result. I will put all the code down here:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
function abrirPopUp() {
var janela = window.open('http://google.com', 'nova_janela', 'width=200, height=100');
function fecharPopUp() {
<button onclick="abrirPopUp();">Abrir janela</button>
<button onclick="fecharPopUp();">Fechar janela</button>
<button onclick="window.print();">Imprimir Página</button>
I tried to be as clear as I could.
From now on, thank you very much for the strength.
EDIT1: The problem happens when I use the close method of BOM. In the first statement, everything works normally. In the second, no.
Related: https://answall.com/q/47165/112052
– hkotsubo