Python Numpy library


Viewed 1,175 times


Like installing a library in python, using Windows 7. I try to download the Numpy and appears at the prompt:

libraries f77blas,cblas,atlas not found in C:\Python33\lib
libraries lapack_atlas not found in C:\Python33\lib
Atlas libraries not found
Lapack libraries not found...

etc, I cannot download at all...

2 answers


Another alternative is to use the:

They also provide binary packages for multiple platforms. I’ve never tried it on Windows, but it should work. On the Mac was the easiest way I could find to install the entire science suite without headaches.


  • While not directly related to the question, I would like to add that this quoted mirror contains binaries [pre-compiled for Windows] for a wide variety of Python libraries. This is quite useful, since it is often difficult compile in Windows from sources...

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