How does an online game server work?


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This is another question about online games, I recently studied Opengl and learned how the process of creating video games works, I was interested in learning more to create an MMO, for this I started searching how servers work in order to create one for a game that I develop in the future, my doubts are:

  • How does DNS work? I know I need a domain name to make things work online but I’d like to know how I would manipulate his information, I know HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript, could they work together with a server for online players? Or would it be necessary to make a schedule, for example at python where the server would connect to the domain name and it would receive and send information on its own?
  • If I wanted to optimize server speed, would information passed by a UDP protocol be faster for gameplay commands while information like player authentication would be better to use TCP? Why I want to make my server secure, but also want to understand how this could work to optimize the speed of it.
  • Do you know of any kind of online service to outsource game servers that I program myself? Because I’ve seen online services to create free websites and put them online with a strange name, and even some servers for famous games, but I don’t remember one made for me to program the server internally.

P.S.: I’ve created websites before and put them online, I know how domains and web hosting work, but I’ve never put a server for an online game, so you can explain in detail, I like to understand how everything works, and preferably on Python which is the main programming language I use.

1 answer


Damn you’re all confused and mixed up ...

DNS(Domain name server)- has nothing to do with programming language, nothing to do with HTML, PHP, Python, etc., the DNS is a service that converts a name into IP, on the server vc defines a fixed public IP address, then you say on DNS that your site ex. has the IP that is configured in the Server network interface!

UDP protocol is widely used in Streaming for being unreliable, when sending a package by this protocol there are no warranties and nor retransmission, if the package does not reach the destination Baubau lol, it is super interesting for streaming audio and videos, in whole amount theory if one package or another fails you will still understand an audio phrase, of course the protocol has high efficiency for not having control of any of the sent packets, it seems interesting to use UDP for the commands, and yes I think it’s important to use the TCP protocol for authentications...

About the last question gets complicated to answer, your game will run in a browser ? if yes your server will have to have a web server (apache, Nginx, etc), and then you will only have to worry about the web development part.

  • I imagined the game as an executable program

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