How to extract the numerical part of a monetary value?


Viewed 486 times


I have a string with the characters "R$ 1,000.60" and would like to extract only the characters "1,000.60".

I tried using regular expression, but I couldn’t reach my goal. I got to this:

    string valor = "";
    string texto = "R$ 1.000,60";

    Regex r = new Regex(@"^[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]*)?$");
    foreach (Match m in r.Matches(texto))
        valor += m.Value;

Would anyone know how to solve this problem using regular expression or other technique?

  • +1 including by the goodwill of Edit :) We already have a good solution with Regex, and more alternatives may arise for you, the same Gypsy and/or other users.

  • 1

    A split wouldn’t be enough?

  • 1

    It is guaranteed that the format is always starting with R$ and then comes the number that matters in the format shown?

  • The values will not always start with R$, and you can also change the field orders, for example 50R$

1 answer


  • 1

    Why the use of var and not Regex?

  • 1

    The compiler is able to intuit the type of the variable to be returned.

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