I have this select.
SELECT 5125 matricula, CONCAT(fum.nomeguerra, ' / ' , fuc.nomeguerra) nomeguerra, date_format(es.data, '%d/%m/%Y') as data, es.semana, es.horarios, es.linha
FROM escala es
LEFT JOIN funcionario fuc ON fuc.matricula = es.matr_cobr
LEFT JOIN funcionario fum ON fum.matricula = es.matr_moto
WHERE (matr_moto = 5125 or matr_cobr = 5125)
AND es.data BETWEEN curdate() AND CURRENT_DATE()+6
ORDER BY es.data
At the bank I have every month and I need him to return only the current day plus 7 days forward. This works perfectly if this count is from the beginning of the month. If it is in the case on the 28th of the month it only takes until the end of the month, it does not pass to the next month.
line where he does this checking AND es.data BETWEEN curdate() AND CURRENT_DATE()+6
Pasta, it worked perfectly.
– Ari Melo