
Viewed 278 times


Hello, to boot my Flutter course, one of the requirements is to change the windows path to 'flutter bin'. The problem is that my PATH already has a value and when I click on "edit", there is no list from which I can just insert the PATH. It would be a problem to delete the contents of the current PATH variable and insert the Flutter one?

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  • Yes, it would be a problem. You should enter the values by separating them by ;

2 answers


Yes, it would be a problem - some programs(s) might stop working with this (apparently, the npm, in your case).

You have to enter the value by separating it from the others with ;


You can separate the PATH values using a ;

Would look like this:


Remembering only to make sure that the flutter is in this directory src

If you want to view your PATH complete in windows, you can run the command PATH direct on the command line.

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