Paging appear in JSF Primafeces Datatable only when you have more than one page


Viewed 88 times


How to make pagination appear only when you have more than one page, using the Datatable of Primefaces in the JSF?

  • You are using pure JSF or some framework (Primefaces, Richfaces, Icefaces...)?

  • I edited the question and added the first faces there

  • Which version are you using?

1 answer


Following the documentation of Primefaces 6.1, you can use the attribute paginatorAlwaysVisible to hide if the table does not display the number of records required for paging:

Here is a translation of the documentation:

Estate: paginatorAlwaysVisible

Default value: true

Defines whether the pagination component must be hidden if the total records is less than the amount of records per page

Therefore in his datatable use the attribute paginatorAlwaysVisible="false"

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