Stock document creation on V10


Viewed 198 times


Good afternoon,

I am trying to create a stock document in the After Recording in Sales Editor event, but I am unable to declare objects...

Dim objDocStock As InvBEDocumentoStock
Dim objLinhaDocStock As InvBELinhaDocumentoStock

What references do I have to care about? I’ve tried everything and anything else... In VBA was the GCPBE900, so here should be the INVBE100, right?

1 answer


From V9 to V10 there were many changes, mainly at the level of inventories. I suggest you look for documentation to show you these changes, you can also use this article to get your bearings:

The stock documents passed to the internal documents, only remained in the inventory transfers and compositions.

The reference you have to add is this: Intbe100.

You’ll have to have something like that:

Dim objDocStock As IntBE100.IntBEDocumentoInterno
Dim objLinhaDocStock As IntBE100.IntBELinhaDocumentoInterno
  • Thank you very much, that was it!

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