I’m making a program to save 'url' just to put into practice what I’ve been studying in Python. During the elaboration of the same I reached a lock and after days studying and reading and trying to get out of it, I could not solve. I read it on the forum to see if I could find anything that would help me, but I couldn’t find anything. I am new to programming and I apologize if my code does not conform to some formatting pattern.
The catch I got was that if I type an option other than 0, 1, 2 or 9, the program simply stops, not going to the Else, as I hoped it would be.
import sys
'0\t-\tInserir \'url\' a lista.\n'
'1\t-\tVisualizar lista de \'url\'.\n'
'2\t-\tApagar \'url\' da lista (de acordo com a posição numérica).\n'
'9\t-\tSair do programa')
escolha = 1000
opcoes = int(input('Digite a opção desejada: '))
while opcoes == 0 or 1 or 2 or 9:
if opcoes == 0 and escolha != 0:
url = str(input('Digite a \'url\' destinada a armazenamento: '))
arquivo = open('url.txt','a')
arquivo.write(url + '\n')
escolha = int(input('\nDeseja armazenar outra \'url\'? SIM[\'1\'] / NÃO[\'0\']: '))
if escolha == 0:
escolha = int(input('\t0\t-\tFechar o programa\n'
'\t1\t-\tMENU anterior: \n'
'Deseja: '))
if escolha == 0:
print('\nAté logo!')
elif escolha == 1:
'0\t-\tInserir \'url\' a lista.\n'
'1\t-\tVisualizar lista de \'url\'.\n'
'2\t-\tApagar \'url\' da lista (de acordo com a posição numérica).\n'
'9\t-\tSair do programa')
opcoes = int(input('Digite a opção desejada: '))
if opcoes == 1 and escolha != 0:
arquivo = open('url.txt', 'r')
for linha in arquivo:
escolha = int(input('\nDeseja continuar usando o programa? SIM[\'1\'] / NÃO[\'0\']: '))
if escolha == 0:
print('Até logo')
elif escolha == 1:
'0\t-\tInserir \'url\' a lista.\n'
'1\t-\tVisualizar lista de \'url\'.\n'
'2\t-\tApagar \'url\' da lista (de acordo com a posição numérica).\n'
'9\t-\tSair do programa')
opcoes = int(input('Digite a opção desejada: '))
if opcoes == 2:
print('Em construção')
escolha = int(input('\nDeseja continuar usando o programa? SIM [\'1\'] / NÃO[\'0\']: '))
if escolha == 0:
print('Até logo')
elif escolha == 1:
'0\t-\tInserir \'url\' a lista.\n'
'1\t-\tVisualizar lista de \'url\'.\n'
'2\t-\tApagar \'url\' da lista (de acordo com a posição numérica).\n'
'9\t-\tSair do programa')
opcoes = int(input('Digite a opção desejada: '))
if opcoes == 9:
print('\nAté logo!')
print('Você escolheu uma opção inválida')
print('Testando se está saindo do laço')
I’ve been reading here for a while, but no account logged in before, but it’s the first question I ask. I have read the patterns that must be obeyed for question formatting, but I apologize if I missed any.
edit1: I put a test when coming out of the loop while just to see if it was coming out and not, it’s not coming out of the loop. As well as Else. The program only for.
I put more information in my reply - I hope I have not left even more confused!
– Daniel
Did not let! It was very clear. Thank you for all your attention and care!
– Felipe Nóbrega