I have this query:
SELECT codigo_usuario, dataproducao
FROM tbproducao
dataproducao >= to_date('01/02/2013', 'DD/MM/YYYY')
and dataproducao <= to_date('30/03/2013', 'DD/MM/YYYY') and
Is the result comes as expected, returned all records that are between the dates reported, example:
codigo_usuario | dataproducao
5 01/02/2013
8 03/02/2013
The code "5" returned in the query above has another record with the production date = 05/10/2012, which was its first record in the table.
And now comes the problem, I can not make the above query does not return code 5, after I want the query return between the dates informed the records that have their first record in that range. Any idea?
Sorack, I edited the question by placing the real name of the table. Example data is already in the example. Make it easy?
– Paulo Gonçalves
Sorack, exactly.
– Paulo Gonçalves
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– Sorack