Search between two values


Viewed 69 times


Well I need to do a search on a collection where I have XI, XF, YI e YF I will send for example x:10, y:9 so I need to identify which location items satisfy that location.

Given the items saved in the bank:

  XI: 1,
  XF: 5,
  YI: 5,
  YF: 20
  XI: 6,
  XF: 11,
  YI: 21,
  YF: 36
  XI: 16,
  XF: 21,
  YI: 37,
  YF: 52
  XI: 22,
  XF: 27,
  YI: 53,
  YF: 68
  XI: 28,
  XF: 33,
  YI: 69,
  YF: 84
  XI: 34,
  XF: 39,
  YI: 85,
  YF: 100

I tried to do it this way:

$and: [
    XI: { $gte: 10 },
    XF: { $lte: 10 },
    YI: { $gte: 12 },
    YF: { $lte: 12 },
}).then((teste) => {


But so he’s going to the bank and taking the bank’s values that he’s the number that I told him about.

1 answer


My mistake was in the logic I was using,

XI <= meu_numero >= XF

This would be the logic that should be used. And for that I needed to exchange the orders of $gte and $lte

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