I am creating a function for sending email via nodemailer, and our have some templates that are for specific cases.
I need a function that once you receive the Welcome template for example, automatically change some fields (tags).
For example, I will send: 'Olá {Nome}, bem vindo!'
I need you to take the value of the database and change, for example: 'Hello {Nome, bem vindo!'
> 'Olá João, bem vindo!'
Or login: 'Seu login é {Login}'
I need you to take Mysql.
(Sample code)
var mailOptions = {
from: 'test@mail.com',
to: 'testuser@.com',
subject: 'Testes de envio de e-mail',
html: '<p>Seu usuário é {Usuario} e senha é {Senha}</p><p>Olá {Nome}, seja bem vindo!'
Ever thought of using strings template?
– Luiz Felipe
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– Sorack