I am trying to create a Barplot chart with labels with the following code:
[1] 127 130 131 131 123 278 90 139 109 72 96 103 80 120 76 60 51
names <- c("1", "2","3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11",
"12","13", "14", "15", "16", "17")
barplot(Territo$E, main="Moradia Própria",
yaxs="r",xaxs="r", ylim=c(0,300),
names.arg = names, space = 2, cex.names=.9,
ylab="", xlab="Microáreas", las=1)
text(x = Territo$E, y = yy, label = round(unlist(Territo$E), 1), pos = 3, col
= "black")
Only the amount appears in the last microregion. I wanted it to appear in the others. I could use Identify, but it’s a lot of manual work.