I have a CRUD made with NODEJS + EXPRESS, using FIREBASE.
I add a record normally, but when I add the next one, it gives me the error:
[DEFAULT]: Firebase: Firebase App named '[DEFAULT]' already exists (app/Duplicate-app).
If I restart the server, it works. From what I’ve seen, I’m triggering the connection multiple times, but I don’t know where to fix it.
Can you explain to me?
var fb = this._firebase.database();
var result = fb.ref().child('clientes/').orderByChild('empresa').equalTo(cliente.cnpj);
var erros;
if(snapshot.length < 0){
erros = {
erro: 'CNPJ já cadastrado.'
return erros;
var key = fb.ref('clientes/').push(cliente).key;
var mensagem = {
msg: 'Cliente cadastrado com sucesso!',
status: 'success'
res.render('clientes/clientes', { validacao: {}, dadosForm: {}, mensagem: mensagem });