How do I get the latest date by following a SQL filter?


Viewed 343 times


I need to create a filter by following the following rule:

  • GSM which is repeated, and which MOTIVO_ENVIO equal, and STATUS = 'ANOMALIA TEMPORÁRIA' import only the line that contains DATA_ALTERACAO the most recent.

I tried to, but I couldn’t get the DATA_ALTERACAO (most recent), I even tried to use the MAX, but it didn’t work out so well, someone could help me?

select ex.gsm,
from export ex
where ex.status = 'ANOMALIA TEMPORÁRIA'
and exists (
            select tmp.gsm
            from export tmp
            where tmp.gsm = ex.gsm
            and tmp.motivo_envio = ex.motivo_envio
            and tmp.status = ex.status
            group by tmp.gsm, tmp.motivo_envio, tmp.status
            having count(tmp.gsm) > 1)

Below is an example of what I need, GSM repeating, MOTIVO_ENVIO equal, and STATUS = 'TEMPORARY ANOMALY', I bold and underline the data I want to get, because the DATA_ALTERACAO that GSM is the latest:

Filtro para obter data mais recente

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2 answers


Follow the query:

        gsm, MAX(data_alteracao) AS last_date
    GROUP BY gsm) lst
        INNER JOIN
    export ex ON lst.gsm = ex.gsm
        AND ex.data_alteracao = lst.last_date
    ex.status = 'ANOMALIA TEMPORÁRIA'
            export tmp
            tmp.gsm = ex.gsm
                AND tmp.motivo_envio = ex.motivo_envio
                AND tmp.status = ex.status
        GROUP BY tmp.gsm , tmp.motivo_envio , tmp.status
        HAVING COUNT(tmp.gsm) > 1)

I set up your environment on my server Mysql and I did the tests, with this query caught the record with the latest update date of each GSM that has the STATUS: TEMPORARY ANOMALY.

Added a sub select to verify the amount of gsm with the number in question if it is > 1 (that is, it repeats it enters the listing)

There are other ways to do it, follow the reference with some alternatives.

  • thank you very much for the reply friend, but is missing a part, you pos GSM that repeats, STATUS = 'TEMPORARY ANOMALY', DATA_ALTERACAO Major/Recent, but failed to put the MOTIVO_ENVIO equal, because can only get this result if you have this complete rule, How would I look with MOTIVO_ENVIO the same as well? like I put in Example?

  • So you want to know all the last dates for each GSM date, motive_sending, in short you want to know all the last dates for each GSM

  • No, I need to perform a filter following these steps, GSM que se repetir - MOTIVO_ENVIO que forem iguais - STATUS que forem iguais a ANOMALIA TEMPORÁRIA is to import, only will appear some repeated results, here enters the last part DATA_ALTERACAO que for a Maior/Recente take a look at this print I made: in it is shown all these conditions, and what is to be imported is what is in Bold + Underline.

  • I’ll update see if that’s it. I need to understand the data you need from the database,

  • again missed the part where the MOTIVO_ENVIO tem que ser iguais também I believe this is what is giving problem, because it is returning me wrong data

  • Then it has to be also grouped by sending reason ?

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Make a subselect that brings the maximum date and in Where compare if the date is the last one, like this:

   select ex.gsm,
    from export ex
    where ex.status = 'ANOMALIA TEMPORÁRIA'
    and exists (
                select tmp.gsm
                from export tmp
                where tmp.gsm = ex.gsm
                and tmp.motivo_envio = ex.motivo_envio
                and tmp.status = ex.status
                group by tmp.gsm, tmp.motivo_envio, tmp.status
                having count(tmp.gsm) > 1)
   and data_alteracao = (select max(data_alteracao) from export tmp)
  • Mano tested here, and it didn’t bring me any :/ take a look at this screenshot to see:

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