How do I make the scroll bar work on my entire Chrome page


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How do I make the scroll bar work on my full page on Chrome, mozila works normally


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                            Ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit.

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  • improves a little the question not only glue the code gets bad to help.

  • thanks I’m new here, a friend gave me this site,how do I remove the code I posted, and just go to the part that matters?

  • 1 gives a read, but overall isolate an example, and describe what you want, the easier it is to understand your problem the easier people help you.

  • I have a website but the scroll bar appears and works only in firefox, in Chrome not, includes a java script code,

  • follow the code now the bars appear in Chrome but do not move the central screen only if I click on the sidebars, how do I solve this?

  • the code below:<script> //function to activate scroll in browsers ex: Chrome window.addeventlistener('scroll', () => { const scrollable = Document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerheight const scrolled = window.Scrolly; if (Match.Ceil(scrolled) === scrollable){ Alert('has Scroll working on Chrome'!); }); </script>

  • Yes, but edit the question and put this information there. I’ll look to try to help you.

  • how do I activate the scroll bar in Chrome? only in mozila it works, help me

  • Put the CSS in the question so we can try to reproduce the problem.

  • There are 2 errors in the code: if (Math.ceil(scrolled) === scrollable){ and instead of Match.ceil, the correct is Math.ceil.

  • sam I did what you told me and so let’s look at the <script> //function to activate scroll in browsers ex: Chrome window.addeventlistener('scroll',() => { const scrollable = Document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerheight const scrolled = window.Scrolly; if (Math.Ceil(scrolled) === scrollable){ }); } </script>

  • <script> //function to activate scroll in browsers ex: Chrome window.addeventlistener('scroll',() => { const scrollable = Document.documentElement.scrollHeight - window.innerheight const scrolled = window.Scrolly; if (Math.Ceil(scrolled) === scrollable){ }); } </script>

  • Your problem is with some script blocking the scroll wheel on the body, if you put a margin-left: 100px; in the HTML tag, will give an empty space to the left, if you put the mouse there and scroll with the mouse wheel you will see that in html scroll works, but in body no!! Another test is you remove all .js from the site and you will see that the Scroll works again. So your problem is one of those JS that is interfering with the body somehow! I suggest you remove one by one until you find which one is bugging the page

  • I found javascript that blocks but it is the javascript call, and without it images do not load.

  • thanks to all for the help was a class in javascript, thanks in particular to hugocs! ,excludes a class that was meant to soften mousewheel, which blocked on Chrome.

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1 answer


Add a style in the element you want to have scroll bar:

style="overflow: auto"


<body style="overflow: auto">
  • But the body already has overflow: auto!! Or someday you have to say in your CSS that the scroll should appear in the body?

  • The body was just an example, you have to put that style wherever you have the scroll bar.

  • And because Firefox works scrolling and Chrome has no scrolling?

  • this is my problem in Chrome, does not work, I did what Marcelo Martins told me, but still does not roll in Chrome,no longer know what to do.

  • Some of your css is doing this, try commenting on some . css files to see which one is removing the scroll bar.

  • the bar appears,in Chrome, but s[o works if you click it, in the right corner

  • take a look at the page:

  • I had misunderstood your question....... try removing this class from your css: "noscroll"

  • I didn’t find this class

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