In a Windows Form Application I have a List Box that is filled from a list of IP’s. It works like this: there is a text file (config.eep
) which contains a number of IP’s, by pressing a button to update the List Box, a loop is called by sending a ping to all IP’s of the file. Only the responding ones are inserted in the ListBox
This is the code that updates the ListBox
Public Sub AtualizarListBox()
'Atualiza a ListBox
lstListaIpAtiv.Items.Clear() 'Limpa a ListBox
Dim ping As Ping = New Ping
Dim sLinhaAtual As String 'Linha corrente do arquivo de configuração
Dim PingReply As PingReply
Dim objLeitor As StreamReader
objLeitor = File.OpenText(sCaminho)
Catch ex As FileNotFoundException
MsgBox("Arquivo de configuração não encontrado", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Aviso")
Exit Sub
End Try
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor 'Troca o cursor para o cursor de espera
While objLeitor.Peek <> -1 'Looping nas Linhas, enquanto nao chegar ao fim do arquivo texto, ele não sai do loop
sLinhaAtual = objLeitor.ReadLine() 'Recupera a Linha do Arquivo e guarda na variavel do tipo string sLinhaAtual
PingReply = ping.Send(sLinhaAtual) 'Envia requisiçao de ping para IP da linha corrente
If PingReply.Status = IPStatus.Success Then 'Verifica se houve resposta do IP em questão
lstListaIpAtiv.Items.Add(sLinhaAtual) 'Grava a linha atual na list box caso essa responda ao Ping
End If
Catch ex As PingException
Continue While
End Try
End While
objLeitor.Close() 'Fecha o arquivo para escrita
If (Not objLeitor Is Nothing) Then
End If
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow 'Retorna o cursor para o cursor normal
lblNumMaqEnc.Text = lstListaIpAtiv.Items.Count() 'Conta quantos itens existem na ListBox e exibe na label
End Sub
The problem is that while this process does not end, the rest of the application is unavailable. I am trying to solve this with the creation of another thread to run this separate process while the thread primary continues with the execution of the rest of the application. I inserted the following code into the button which updates the ListBox
Dim AtualizaThread As New Thread(AddressOf AtualizarListBox)
However, I get the following error:
Cross-thread Operation not Valid: Control 'lstListaIpAtiv' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
How to get around this?