Hello, I’m trying to call a js/css file that is inside application/views/app.js, but I’m trying to include it within a view that opposes in the same folder application/views/login.php but a 403 error is returned, someone has some solution for this?
I found a helper that might help, it generates a hash calling the file but is still giving error 403
if (!function_exists('link_ng'))
function link_ng($js = "")
$CI =& get_instance();
$base_principal = $CI->config->slash_item('base_url');
$version = hash("haval160,4" ,(date('YmdHis')));
if ($js!='')
return "<script src='".$base_principal."app/views/{$js}?v={$version}' language='javascript' type='text/javascript'></script>";
return "";