Problem recognizing in jQuery


Viewed 82 times


I have a code below in Javascript that picks up the td that was clicked and copied to the clipboard, but it is not working. The error you see on the console is:

(test). select(); is not a Function

The alert(teste) returns the number of id right. What I need is to copy this id for clipboard clipboard.

            var teste =;


               alert('Texto copiado para a área de transferência');

  • To do this, you need to put the text in a textarea.

  • Create a small textarea and make it transparent with css

  • Change to $(teste).select();

  • But even if I put a textarea it returns the error (test). select(); is not a Function

  • I left it : <td><textarea id="2">test</textarea></td>

  • And my jquery looked like this:$("td textarea"). click(Function(e){ var test = $(this). text(); Alert(test); $(test). select(); Document.execCommand('copy'); Alert('Copied text; });

  • would not be; ??

  • Error: is not a Function...

  • var test = $(this). text(); Alert(test); (this). select(); Document.execCommand('copy');

  • I believe you need to copy the element itself and not the value. Do as colleagues have said, copy the TD text to the textarea and do the "var test = $('#2')", your text being and see if it works.

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3 answers


You can do it this way, without the need to use the id, using the objects Range and Selection javascript:

//   var teste =;
//   alert(teste);

   var range = document.createRange(); // cria o objeto range
   range.selectNodeContents(this);   // adiciona o conteúdo do elemento clicado
   var sel = window.getSelection();  // cria o objeto Selection
   sel.removeAllRanges(); // limpa o objeto Selection
   sel.addRange(range); // seleciona o texto

   alert('Texto copiado para a área de transferência');



To get an id of a specific element through jQuery has a slightly better approach instead of using Event, what you do is take it through the command

So it will take the clicked element in this case and take the id attribute of that element. In the case of . select() you will have to catch him using also the $, would be about that:


I hope I’ve helped


You need to put the text in a TextArea first, and then do the .select() in the element itself, and not in the value that will be copied.

First place an invisible Textarea on your page:

<textarea id="texto" style="display:none;"></textarea>

So, in your Function:

    var valor =;        

    alert('Texto copiado para a área de transferência');

See another example here

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