Paging library for . Net Core


Viewed 772 times


I’ve worked on some frameworks like Spring and Nestjs, and there I worked with a library that listed a query page.

Here at . Net Core, I have to create a method to work with it. For example:

public PagedSearchDTO<PersonVO> FindWithPagedSearch(string name, string sortDirection, int pageSize, int page)

            page = page > 0 ? page - 1 : 0;
            string query = @"select * from persons p where 1 = 1 ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) query = query + $"and p.firstname like '%{name}%' ";

            query = query + $" order by p.firstname {sortDirection} limit {pageSize} offset {page}";

            string countQuery = @"select count(*) from persons p where 1 = 1 ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) countQuery = countQuery + $" and like '%{name}%' ";

            var persons = _repository.FindWithPagedSearch(query);

            int totalResults = _repository.GetCount(countQuery);

            return new PagedSearchDTO<PersonVO>
                CurrentPage = page + 1,
                List = _converter.ParseList(persons),
                PageSize = pageSize,
                SortDirections = sortDirection,
                TotalResults = totalResults

I would like to know if there is already a library, preferably official language, that works with this paging logic?

1 answer


  • The documentation you put in is great, but it would be even better if you put a practical example in the answer. :)

  • George I did not put in the answer the example because the tutorial on paging has the full example. It would just repeat what is already there.

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