Change comma per point


Viewed 720 times


I want when a user type , (comma), this is replaced by . (point). But when I insert the script below, it shows no result.

Can someone help me find the mistake?

function substituiPonto(){
    valor = document.calcform.visor.value;
    while(valor.indexOf(".") >= 0) {
        novoValor = valor.replace(",",".");
    valor = novoValor;
    <form name="calcform" method="post" action="">
        <input type="text" name="visor" id="visor" value="" onKeyPress="substituiPonto()"/>

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4 answers


Welcome to Stackoverflow @Moises ;)
In your function you are just taking the value of the input document.calcform.visor.value, transforming him novoValor = valor.replace(",",".") and attributing it to the variable valor = novoValor, but at no time is setting the value of the input with this variable.
Put this at the end of its function and it should already work:

function substituiPonto(){
    ... Faz o tratamento da string aqui
    document.calcform.visor.value = valor; // coloca o valor no input novamente

But there’s a simpler way to do what you need:

function substituir(el) {
    el.value = el.value.replace(",", ".");
<input type="text" onkeyup="substituir(this);" />


Your code does not work since you are using the replace to exchange points (.) for "nothing" ('').

Besides, I think the loop while not so necessary in this situation.

You can then do something more or less like this:

document.querySelector('#field').addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
  const el =
  if (el.value.includes(',')) {
    el.value = el.value.replace(/,/g, '.')
<input type="text" id="field" />

Basically, we created a Listener to the event keyup which will check if the field value has a comma. If it has, the comma will be replaced by the dot.

Note that you can also use the method indexOf instead of includes if you wish.



You’re trading the "." for an empty value, replace has to be like this

replace(",", ".")


Use the following code:

        <form name="calcform" method="post" action="">
            <input type="text" name="visor" id="visor" value="" onKeyPress="substituiPonto()"/>

    function substituiPonto(){
    valor = document.calcform.visor.value;

    document.getElementById("visor").value = valor.replace(",", ".");

Using the function replace(",", ".") to make your replacement.

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