How to put a delay inside another delay


Viewed 82 times


I am making a board game, it is working all right, however, I would like it to activate mini games according to the position that the player stop.

This is also working, what is not working is the fact that it performs everything before even starting the delay of movement that I use to make the character move.

This is where the movement happens.

var i = 1;                                  //  set your counter to 1
var fimloop;
function myLoop () {                    //  create a loop 
    function setTimeout(function () {               //  call a 3s setTimeout when the loop is called


        moveRight(circle,posicao);      //  your code here
        i++;                                //  increment the counter
        if ((i < evt+1)&&(posicao<38)) {  //  if the counter < 10, call the loop function
            myLoop();                       //  ..  again which will trigger another 
        //fimloop = false;
        }                                   //  ..  setTimeout()
    }, 300);
                  fimloop = true;


I would like to do anything only after this loop is over.

  • Alan, you don’t need to put "Solved" in the title. The correct thing is to accept the answer that solved your problem, see in the FAQ how to do it.

  • Sorry, that was my first question and I ended up not reading the rules by the hurry to deliver this job, thanks to you too.

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1 answer


You can do this way, the code is commented explaining its operation.

//Proxima função
function proximaFuncao(){
  console.log('Executando proximaFuncao');

//Usei o contado para simular um loop, mas adapte de acordo com a sua logica 
var contador = 0;

function myLoop () {
    console.log('Executando myLoop');
    setTimeout(function () {
        if (contador<= 3) {
        }else{//Condição para a chamada da próxima função
    }, 300);


  • 1

    Wictor is exactly what I needed, thank you very much, it worked perfectly

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