Delete multiple database elements


Viewed 133 times


I have a action [GET] delete on my Webapi.

She removes one element, but would like it to remove all the elements that have a particular code.

How can I change my code to remove all?

My Code:

public HttpResponseMessage delete(int Con_codigo)
        var condel = bdprincipalEntities.Contatos
                         .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Con_codigo == Con_codigo);


        var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
        return result;
    catch (Exception)
        return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

I know that my search returns only the first. I thought of changing from FirstOrDefault for Select, but he gives me the following error message:

Unable to convert from "System.linq.Iqueryable to Softluxapi.Models.


The above method ends up removing all contacts, as I was asking, so I’m changing the question to, because even with the FirstOrDefault it removes various elements from the database?

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1 answer


Before anything I need to say have a GET endpoint to remove a resource doesn’t make the slightest sense semantically.

If you are using EF 6.0 or a newer version, you can use the method RemoveRange and simplify the code.

    bdprincipalEntities.Contatos.Where(x => x.Con_codigo == Con_codigo));

If you use an older version, you will need to fetch all entities and then delete them one by one.

var contatos = bdprincipalEntities.Contatos.Where(x => x.Con_codigo == Con_codigo);

foreach(var contato in contatos)

  • I can use the Removerange method, but I didn’t know I could make queries this way, I’m new in the language, thank you very much for the answer, but can I have another question before I accept your answer? because even with Firstordefault it removes various elements from the database?

  • @Jeffhenrique I have no way to answer without knowing more details. But it’s probably because the column Con_codigo has repeated values and the generated SQL is using this value in the Where clause.

  • Yes, it has repeated values as it is necessary for the project, but very obg, helped mt

  • Regarding the GET endpoint, I took the project and it was like this before, but I’m going to talk here about not making sense semantically

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