How to use emails in Azure?


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I put one of my sites on Azure.

There is no e-mail service?

There I was able to fire emails from external servers, but I want to create and use one in the same domain that is in Azure.

How to solve this problem?

3 answers


Edson, there is no email service available in Windows Azure yet. But you can use partner companies or specialized services. Among the best today are:

  • Send Grid - Never used, but is well recommended. And offers service Free up to 25 thousand shipments.
  • Mail Gun - Already used, I think phenomenal, practically has everything for sending and receiving emails. Free up to 10,000 submissions

There is also the possibility to run your SMTP server and integrate using Service Bus (most common) or Windows Azure Virtual Network.

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    But in case these companies do the shooting or will provide email accounts? I want to create accounts on my The trigger itself is not the problem from the moment I have the server. It would be an alternative I have a VM with a mail server. A small VM costs less than $15 but I would need to set up everything and more.

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    Yes, you can use your domain. Aside from not worrying about configuration they come with several services already ready. The mail gun for example already comes with ready system where you are notified about complaints about sending spam, Bounce management and logs!

  • I’ll check. Sounds good. Thanks for the tip.

  • 1

    I chose to use Zoho Mail. Fast, efficient and free. I recommend it.


Edison, it’s all right?

You can also use Office 365 in the most basic plan counts with email, calendar and other strokes of resources, for a fair price, can be a nice differential for your customers.

If you still want to integrate your current websites with Azure AD, you can use SSO, with single login for your websites and Email.

Take a look, even if it’s just out of curiosity =)


As a service in a Paas or Saas model Azure does not have, but as mentioned above the offer for email services would be Exchange Online through O365 and that has a huge integration with Azure.

But if you still intend to have an Azure service using the Iaas features, you can do so.

Recently I had two experiences, one was a client working with an Open Source email solution using Vms with Linux distributions and the other I recently started is an on-Exchange migration processpremise of a client and start work based on the guidelines of this documentation aspx where Microsoft handles the prerequisites for virtualizing Exchange environments.

In this case among the prerequisites it is worth mentioning the following when using Azure:

> Deployment on Microsoft Azure virtual machines is supported if all Storage volumes used for Exchange Databases and database transaction logs (including transport Databases) are configured for Azure Premium Storage.

Recalling that the Premium Storage service to date (22/06/2015) is not yet released in Brazil, but today there are no more Lockers to want to mount such an environment in Azure.

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