Publish React.js windows server


Viewed 1,068 times


I have an application developed with React + React-Redux and now that it is finished I need to publish. But when searching about it I didn’t find anything that explained or had a step by step how to deploy in windows server (using IIS or not). All I find is how to deploy in Heroku, netifly etc. But this application is internal and will only run in the internal environment. Maybe it is a question with a simple answer, however I did not find any north of how to do it.

  • Just compile and send the files to the server, by FTP, for example

  • @Guilhermecostamilam then my question is: do I need to configure/install something on my server? type Node.js? or works like an application developed simply with javascript/html?

  • 1

    No, the code resulting from the build is complete, it will run in the browser, the server only provides the files

1 answer


It was enough to execute npm run build and copy the generated items in the build folder to the desired server (in my case IIS).

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