Python - Count values within another count of values in a dataframe?


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I have a df as follows and I need to make a top 10 of the most repeated words in problem and within these selected words do the same within the solution.

Obs: the dataframe has more than 20,000 lines, this is just a sample.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


df.query((pd.Series('' .join(df['Problema']). split ()). value_counts ()[:10]).apply(lambda x: " ".join('' .join(df['Solucao']). split ()). value_counts () [:10]))

Attributeerror: str Object has no attribute 'value_counts'

Return the 10 most frequent words in the column "Problem" and in this return identify which are the 110 most frequent words in the column "Solution"

TOP 10 Problems | TOP 10 Troubleshooting

      xlm  | [extrair, bug, c, d, e, f, g, g, i, j]
impressao  | [rede, parado, c, d, e, f, g, g, i, j]
        c  | [a, b, c, d, e, ..., j]
        d  | [a, b, c, d, e, ..., j]
        e  | [a, b, c, d, e, ..., j]
        f  | [a, b, c, d, e, ..., j]
        g  | [a, b, c, d, e, ..., j]
        h  | [a, b, c, d, e, ..., j]
        i  | [a, b, c, d, e, ..., j]
        j  | [a, b, c, d, e, ..., j]

1 answer


As each column has a list, the best solution I could think of was to make a dictionary of the problems and iterate the dataframe. Each problem has a dictionary with a counter of each solution that appears for that problem. Example:

dict_problema = {'problema1':{'solução1':2, 'solução2':1},
                 'problema2':{'solução2':2, 'solução3':1}}

dict_conta_problema = {'problema1':2,


  • It’s not a performative way
  • There’s probably some python library I couldn’t remember (or don’t even know) that would make the job easier
  • Perhaps it would be better to use the pandas' own functions
dict_problema = {}
dict_conta_problema = {}

for index, row in df.iterrows(): #percorrer cada linha do dataframe

    for problema in row['Problema']: #para cada problema da lista de problemas daquela linha

        if problema not in dict_problema: #adiciona no dicionário de problemas caso não esteja

        dict_conta_problema[problema] +=1 #incrementa a contagem daquele problema

        for solucao in row['Solucao']: #agora percorremos cada solução da linha
            if solucao not in dict_problema[problema]: #adiciona no dicionário de soluções caso não esteja

            dict_problema[problema][solucao] +=1 #incrementa a contagem daquele solução

Now we create another dataframe with the dictionaries we have:

from collections import Counter

problema = []
solucao = []

for key, value in Counter(dict_conta_problema).most_common(10):
    solucao.append([key for key, values in Counter(dict_problema[key]).most_common(10)])

df_top = pd.DataFrame(data={'Top Problemas': problema, 'Top Solucoes': solucao})


It is possible to catch the Top 10 problems by just doing:

top_problemas = [key for key, val in Counter(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, df['Problema'].values)).most_common(10)]

You could use this same logic to get the most recurring solutions if you start from a filtered dataframe to each more recurring problem.

  • Alex, thank you for answering me!! In the case of problems and solution I do not know the properties to mount the dictionary. I need the top 10 repeating problems, and when I do, I need to know which are the most repeating solutions. This is a dynamic and constantly changing data, for this reason I believe that it is not possible to create a dictionary, because it would need fixed words. In this case, I cannot feed a dictionary. Perchance, you know another solution?

  • It is very difficult to work with the df the way it is. I recommend doing a Pre-processing of the data to create the dataframe without lists. A suggestion is to use Isolated Problems as Index and each column as a solution. The values of df would be the number of occurrences of the solution in the problem.

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