Generate random number in a user-given range - Java/Android


Viewed 182 times


I’m trying to generate a random number in a user-given range. Android Studio does not point error, however the app does not generate any value. What may be wrong? Thanks in advance!

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        TextView generate = findViewById(;

        generate.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View view) {

                EditText minValue = findViewById(;
                EditText maxValue = findViewById(;
                TextView finalValue = findViewById(;

                String minString = String.valueOf(minValue);
                String maxString = String.valueOf(maxValue);

                int min = Integer.parseInt(minString);
                int max = Integer.parseInt(maxString);

                if (max > min) {
                    Random randGen = new Random();
                    int generate = randGen.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;
                    String genString = String.valueOf(generate);

2 answers


Good evening, you need to recover the values passed in Edittext

instead of using:

  String minString = String.valueOf(minValue);
  String maxString = String.valueOf(maxValue);


            String minString = String.valueOf(minValue.getText());
            String maxString = String.valueOf(maxValue.getText());

Note: Instead of using a Textview as a button, why not use the same Button?

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Whoa, that’s all right!?

the error is here:

String minString = String.valueOf(minValue);
String maxString = String.valueOf(maxValue);

So vc is only receiving edittext, you need to convert the object into a string using . toString(). In your case, you can already take the int directly by toString(), eliminating some lines of code.

int min = Integer.parseInt(minValue.getText.toString);
int max = Integer.parseInt(maxValue.getText.toString);

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