SQL Server - Monthly period comparison


Viewed 241 times


Hi, guys. I have a big question.

I have two banks (Mysql) where I accumulate sales of several stores and use a third bank where I do an ETL using the data union.

In my third database (SQL Server) I need to create a query that does a monthly period comparison and indicate if a client is INACTIVE or ACTIVE.


Condition 1: If a particular customer makes purchases in a particular store that accumulated the value is >= R$230,00 in the month of January 2018, it receives the status of "ACTIVE" and "DIRECT SALE" at that time.

Condition 2: If the same customer of condition 1 makes purchases in the same store in March 2018 and the accumulated value is < R$230,00, it receives the status of "INACTIVE" and does not receive the status of "DIRECT SALE" at that time.

Table structure for example

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In this example Maria Aparecida gained the status of ACTIVE in the month of January and INACTIVE in the month of March for not having reached the minimum amount of R$230,00 monthly.

1 answer


SELECT q.*, CASE WHEN /*q.mes = 1 AND*/ q.valor >= 230.0                  THEN 'ATIVO'
                 WHEN /*q.mes = 3 AND*/ q.valor < 230.0 AND q.n_lojas = 1 THEN 'INATIVO'
                 ELSE '-' END as status
    SELECT nome, MONTH(dt_compra) as mes, YEAR(dt_compra) as ano, 
           SUM(valor) as valor, COUNT(DISTINCT loja_cnpj)) as n_lojas
    FROM tabela
    GROUP BY nome, MONTH(dt_compra), YEAR(dt_compra)) as q
ORDER BY q.nome, q.ano, q.mes

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