I receive a numeric field in a html
that comes like this "413232123441999993254"
which in this case would be two phone numbers with DDD 41
, both enter the Phone: field, I would like to divide these numbers in two to be more organized.
I’m using C#
for the development of this application, I already have the Phone method that captures this html
the phone number I need right now split it in two but I know how to do it.
Follows below phone method as it is today:
public string Telefone(string pContent)
var content = BuscaSimples(pContent,
"Telefone: </span><span style=\"font-size: 18px; color:black;\">",
if (content.Empty())
content = BuscaSimples(pContent, "<a href=\"tel:\" style=\"color:#0082c8\">", "</a>");
if (content.Empty())
content = BuscaSimples(pContent, "Tel.: ", "</span>");
return content;
You know or don’t know how to do?
take a look at
– Ricardo Pontual
First, why do you receive or capture the phones this way? This seems to me somewhat unusual.
– Leandro Angelo