Recursive binary search, but this error appears:"expected Primary-Expression before 'int'"


Viewed 40 times


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//Funcao para busca binaria com recursividade
int BuscaBinariaR(int vetor[10], int inicio,int fim, int x) {

    int meio = (inicio+fim)/2;


        return (-1);

    else if(vetor[meio]==x)

        return (meio);

    else if(vetor[meio]>x)

        return BuscaBinariaR(vetor,inicio,meio-1,x);

        return BuscaBinariaR(vetor,meio+1,fim,x);


int main () {

//Criando um vetor para teste
    int vetor[10],i,x;  
    BuscaBinariaR(int vetor[10],0,9,int x);

//Preenchendo o vetor   
    for(i=0; i<10; i++) {
    printf(" Digite um numero: ");
    scanf("%d", &vetor[i]);

    printf("Qual numero deseja buscar: ");

return 0;

1 answer


When you will call a function you cannot declare the variables there as you do with the parameters. Do:

BuscaBinariaR(vetor, 0, 9, x);

I put in the Github for future reference.

He looks like he has other problems, but this one solves it. For example, this call does not seem to be in the right place.

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