I’m trying to clear a vector after performing a procedure, since I need to use the same vector to make the next loop of the procedure.
After a lot of research, I found the appropriate filter to clean the vector being FinalizeArray
I found the method in this documentation http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Tokyo/en/System.FinalizeArray
But I couldn’t find an example to understand the right way to apply.
If I execute the command that way:
At Debug’s time I’ll have the error:invalid pointer operation
Can someone give me a correct example I believe I’m missing the second parameter.
What did you mean by clearing the vector? Just fill it with zeros or release the memory associated with the vector by disabling its reference?
– Augusto Vasques
Just fill it with zero. Since it is a dynamic vector, what I want is to reset all addresses and start all over again from position [0].
– Danilo Araujo