I am producing a kind of form, but in age people put (age + "years")


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I am producing a kind of form, but at age people put (age + "years"), but the variable is type int so it does not work, I wonder if there is any method of sending a message to the customer when he insert a letter in the age field as for example.

int idade;
idade = convert.toint32(console.readline());
if(int nao for numero)
   faça alguma coisa;

3 answers


There are a few ways to do this. The simplest would be with int.TryParse where it will try to convert a string to an integer. If it fails, it returns false and makes no exception. The version int.Parse generates an exception.


Console.Write("Digite a idade:");
bool isNumber = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int idade);
if (isNumber)
    // use a variável 'IDADE' aqui
    Console.WriteLine("Digite apenas números para idade");

Converts the string representation of a number into the integer with an equivalent 32-bit signal. A returned value indicates if the operation was successful.

Reference: System.Int32.Trypase (msdn)


You can do this way, the code is commenting explaining its operation.

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        int idade;

        // Console e Write são iniciados com letras maiusculas 

        // Console, Read e Line são iniciados com letras maiusculas
        string idadeString = Console.ReadLine();

        // Se foi digitado um número inteiro
        if(Int32.TryParse(idadeString, out idade))
           Console.Write("idade: " + idade);
            Console.Write("Favor inserir um valor inteiro");


  • very good, I know q if I started with capital letters here in the example I did everything minuscule by the time


I would use an IF:

if(($idade > 0) || ($idade < 99)){
  echo "aqui vai o campo";
} else {  
echo "insira uma idade válida";
  • 2

    Josla looks for a reply in C# and not in php, and he wants to identify if a certain value that was typed is integer or not.

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