Excel "If" function giving problem when checking if all values are true


Viewed 203 times


I used the "If" and "Cont.se" function, but I wanted the "If" function to check if all sequence values of (C69:C73) are ="500", however when checking the penultimate value it considers that all values are "500" and the last value is "400" and soon after it runs the count of only the numbers "500" in the sequence (B69:B73) referring to the function "Cont.se", I wanted the function "Se" to consider if all values are "500" from the sequence of (C69:C73) and then run the formula, because the function "Se" Wouldn’t you consider all the values "500"? the latter being "400" ?? because in this case it should return "False" because all values are not "500", ? inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


1 answer


then I do not know why this error. But I believe that if you have to solve something very urgent I have a solution a little more laborious.

The solution is as follows: Count how many values of C69:C73 = 500 with the formula - > =CONT.SE(C69:C73;500)

Count the number in the range C69:C73 with the formula - >=CONT.NÚM(C69:C73)

Count the number of empty cells in the range C69:C73 with the formula -> =COUNT.EMPTY(C69:C73)

Then add the amount of compared cells by summing F73 + F74 as per image.


Finally, if the Cell I72 = "EQUAL" if it is equal count the number of times 500 appears in the range B69:B73 with the formula - > =SE(I72="EQUAL";CONT.SE(B69:B73;500);"NOT COUNTED")inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I do not know what is happening with my Excel, now he does not want to compare any value, now he states that everything is true

  • Since only one sequence value has the "500" it already considers and executes the formula in the true one. I’m fed up...

  • You tried to use my formula in your?? to see if the same happens, ?

  • Yes it happened the same as yours.

  • I made a formula to force him to give more true, but still gives true even though it is not, ''=SE(E(C69:C73=500);CONT.NÚM(B69:B73)-CONT.SE(B69:B73;"<>500");0)''

  • With only three values of "500" and two being "400" he already considers true

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